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Josiah Miller
Josiah Miller

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Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs located within the ovaries. Many girls and women develop ovarian cysts at some point, but most cysts are painless and harmless. In fact, a majority of ovarian cysts resolve themselves without treatment within a couple of months.

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Some ovarian cysts can cause more serious symptoms and require treatment. For these more serious cysts, our care team at Children's Hospital Colorado will evaluate the cyst and work with a multidisciplinary team to develop the appropriate care plan.

The most common type of ovarian cyst is called a "functional cyst" because it serves a purpose in the process of normal ovulation with each menstrual cycle. A single cyst will form around a maturing egg and grow to the size of a quarter just before it pops to release its egg into the fallopian tube. Occasionally, these cysts will grow larger and persist longer, but generally they resolve on their own within 6 to 8 weeks without treatment.

Other types of cysts occur when part of the ovary grows abnormally. These types of ovarian cysts will not go away on their own. They can arise from an overgrowth of cells on the surface of the ovary, the hormone-producing cells that surround an egg or the egg cell itself. In most cases, these types of cysts are benign (meaning non-cancerous) but some features may raise concerns about cancer, which requires careful care and treatment.

Because girls and young women are still developing, treating their ovarian cysts is different than treating cysts in adults. Our board-certified pediatric and adolescent gynecologists have specialized training in the reproductive health concerns of girls and young women. We understand the complex changes that occur prior to and during puberty and can recognize both common and rare causes of ovarian cysts in girls, teens and young women. We will put both you and your daughter at ease by carefully explaining her medical condition and the various options for treatment. We also support your family through follow-up and consultation with other specialists and your primary care doctor, as needed.

Kids with mitral valve prolapse don't need medical treatment. If the condition causes a lot of mitral regurgitation, doctors may prescribe blood pressure medicine to control how hard the heart muscle works. (With blood leaking back into the atrium, the heart works harder to pump the normal amount of blood out to the body.)

If an underlying cause is found then treatment of the underlying cause, if possible, may cure the hiccups. For example, one research study found that many people with persistent hiccups had a gut condition called acid reflux. See the separate leaflet called Acid Reflux and Oesophagitis (Heartburn) for more details. Treating the reflux seemed to help stop hiccups in many cases. Firstly, try any of the popular remedies used to treat short bouts of hiccups (explained above). Also, treat any underlying cause, if possible.

Referral to a specialist is often advised for persistent hiccups, either to look for a cause, or to offer more treatment options. Some examples of treatments that have been successfully used for persistent hiccups are:

For hiccups that continue despite treatment, a phrenic nerve block is occasionally used. This involves interrupting the phrenic nerve - for example, by injecting a local anaesthetic near the nerve. However, this treatment needs to be considered carefully: it carries risks because the phrenic nerve is important in breathing.

Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, \r\nan acid-fast, rod-shaped bacillus. The disease mainly affects the skin, \r\nthe peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and the \r\neyes.\r\nLeprosy is curable and treatment in the early stages can prevent \r\ndisability.

The 2018 Guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leprosy published by WHO, recommends the same 3-drug regimen with rifampicin, dapsone and clofazimine for all leprosy patients, with a duration of treatment of 6 months for PB leprosy and of 12 months for MB leprosy.

Again, in the same year, while I was on my pilgrimage to the shrines of Kedarnath and Badrinath (which necessitates a trek of about 200 miles in the interior of the Himalayas) my right leg became acutely painful and swollen after I had covered only half the distance on foot. Therefore, I entered as an indoor patient in the civil hospital at Okhimath for treatment. I remained there for a full week, but there was no improvement. On the contrary, the doctor suggested an operation. I became very disappointed. Then I remembered my Sadguru Swami Sivananda and dropped him a postcard, seeking his blessings. It was to my surprise that the day he received my letter (at Ananda Kutir) improvement started and I could walk towards Badrinath very shortly, without having to undergo the operation. Thus I completed my sacred Yatra by the miracle of my Master.

On the 12th November, Friday night I was speaking to Mrs. K. I saw Your Holiness entering her treatment room and stood by the side of the table. You had a long scroll of writing in Your hands. A rainbow of beautiful colours was right over You and this rainbow extended right across her room. I have seen her. She is happy and light-hearted since the vision.

Pudina is recommended as per traditional Iranian medicine to be included in daily diets to avoid flatulence (gas build-up in the stomach). Pudina may also help clean up toxins from the gut (these are the end products of gastric digestion) and strengthens the stomach. It may also be effective in dyspepsia (indigestion) symptoms such as appetite, bloating, belching (burping), and nausea.5 A decoction of pudina leaves may be used to relieve common digestive problems.3 However, if you suffer from digestive issues, you should consult your healthcare provider and get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking pudina or any herbal supplements. Likewise, do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.

Guru Sahib also established an Aurvedic herbal medicine hospital and a research centre at Kiratpur Sahib. There also he maintained a zoo. Once Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Shah Jahan fell seriously ill by some unknown disease. The best physicians available in the country and abroad were consulted, but there was no improvement. At last the emperor made a humble request to Guru Sahib for the treatment of his son. Guru Sahib accepting the request, handed over some rare and suitable medicines to the messenger of the emperor. The life of Dara Shikoh was saved from the cruel jaws of death. The emperor, whole heartily thanked and wanted to grant him some "Jagir", but Guru Sahib never accepted.

We are now running yoga therapy programs in the ashram for individuals. The programs involve specialised yoga therapy, naturopathy,ayurveda, specifically tailored diet and other treatments. Programs run for 10 days with a strong focus on healing body and mind.

Yoga Therapy centre in beautiful natural surroundings of Yogapoint Ashram in India. We conduct yoga programs for treatment of various diseases such as Obesity, joint Pain (arthritis), Backache, Sciatica, Slipped disc, Diabetes, depression, stress disorders, PTSD, and many more.


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